Aug 1, 2012

Beauty Purchase Restriction Update

In exactly one month (September 1) I will officially allow myself to buy makeup and beauty products again. I've already admitted that this project has been a bit of a fail because of the date I set to finish it and the rules were a bit too lax, but I figured I would make a post showing everything I have finished because the bag I picked to store everything I have finished is getting quite full and I'd like to make room for more finished products.

Most of what I have finished falls under the body or hair category (and many of those items were actually travel sized), so I think I will take a different approach the next time I try to use up my beauty products. I will probably take the basics (foundation, concealer, powder, etc) and just use the same ones day until they are empty. When I move back to school I will also only be taking what fits into the little container I have (I'll post a back-to-school series in the next few weeks).

Everything I have finished is below. Of everything I have finished, the only thing I really have a desire to repurchase is the Neutrogena Oil Free Acne Wash Redness Soothing Cleanser. It doesn't dry my face out and it has improved my skin (only by a little, but it has still helped). I am almost finished with some other skin care products, many of which I will not be repurchasing. I have also given some items away, but I never remember to take note of it.

Anyway, this is what I've finished so far and since I will be recycling as much as I can, these will not be in the final post. Wish me luck on the last month! :)

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