Mar 7, 2013

1 Year of Blogging

I've tried to blog consistently ever since I first learned about blogging when I was in middle school. Unfortunately, it just never happened. Life got in the way or I would lose motivation. However, I'm pleased to announce that it is the one year birthday of this blog and I would say that I have posted consistently, aside from the last month (which was HECTIC). Now if I could just get comfortable with posting videos... ;)

But I honestly never imagined that I would get any followers on my blog. I may not be in the hundreds, but I know that my readers are loyal and so kind. I'm not great at writing emotional posts, so all I can say is thank you for staying with me. I'm beyond excited to see what my next year of blogging (and life) will bring.

And that is honestly all I could think of to say. Normally I ask a question, but this time it will be something generic: tell me something about yourself. I'm interested to know more about my readers :)


  1. Yay! Congrats on a year of blogging! Something about me.... I don't know, I feel like I'm the most boring person ever. But I guess something sort of interesting is I'm getting married this September!

    1. Thanks!

      I bet you are excited to get married! :D


Comment if you'd like! I'll try to reply soon, but if I forget to, just find me and whack me on the head.